2020 - Perspective


2020… Almost every time you hear those numbers ringing in your ears, its almost 100% bad news, am I right? I can relate along with almost everyone else in the world other than the owners and shareholders of Clorox, Purell, and perhaps every toilet paper manufacturer there is. Who would have known that within a matter of weeks the life we had grown to know so well would become a far memory of the past. Who would have known that walking around without a mask and hanging out with friends would have been a luxury to remember? I sure didn’t. In fact 2020 was the year that shit literally hit the fan for me, like LITERALLY hit the fan. 2020 was the year that broke me, well almost broke me.

Before COVID, I had a flourishing career as a wedding and event planner in Hawai’i. With nearly 50 weddings on the books from March 2020-December 2020, I saw the twelve plus months of my work with these couples disappear before my eyes, and my income for the year disappear within a matter of two months. Overnight I became a stay at home - work from home mom, a clorox wipe, toilet paper and hand sanitizer hoarder, oh and did I mention I was 38 week pregnant expecting our third child?

I’ve always been known to be the calm cool and collective in any situation, or as my mom calls me, the “human valium”, but this time I hit my breaking point and I panicked. I was scared for our family, terrified for our loved ones, and the thought about bringing a newborn baby into this crazy world was completely overwhelming. For the first time ever in my life I was collecting unemployment, budgeting, and being conscious of our spending. You’d think without a full-time job, you’d have lots of free time right? Absolutely not, stay at home mamas and teachers, I have a newfound respect to you, y’all are AMAZING.

As the days went on, the self-pity took over my life, I was down in the dumps feeling alone, embarrassed, and i’ll just say it, I was 100% a negative Nancy. Poor me, poor me, I’m unemployed, I have a beautiful home I have to take care of, I have three handsome little boys that I get to stay home with and take care of, I have a husband who is in a thriving construction industry, I have bills that are paid, I have a pantry full of food, oh and did I mention I have the best support system a girl could ask for? Poor me right?

Thats when it hit me… 2020 has been a rough year for most of us but there is always something to be thankful for. I have all the necessities of life and more, I have a happy and healthy family, a loving and hardworking husband, and I am fortunate enough to be able to give to others who don’t. You see, life is all about perspective. 2020 has taught me so much about myself that I’ve neglected for too long. It’s allowed me to channel my creative energy into other outlets that serve myself and others but most importantly, it’s taught me to appreciate all of what life has to offer, the good, the bad, and that your faith will always guide you.

2020 has been a crazy year but it’s the year I put my fears aside and that KOCO. HAWAI’I Boutique was born. It is the reason this site is up and running for you. Thank you for supporting me on this crazy journey, we’re just getting started.