Our Story



Aloha! I’m Kendall Oreta, owner and founder of KOCO. Hawai’i.  I was born and raised on the beautiful island of Maui, and currently reside here with my hubby, our sons, and our doggy daughter Kookie.  I’m a self proclaimed komboocha connesiour, as tutu would say “oriental creep food” lover, little babes clothing shop-aholic, and a professional planner of parties.  As you can see, I stay pretty busy with family, work, and hobbies that fill my cup, but most importantly I live a life abundant of ALL things good for the soul.

KOCO. Hawai’i was started as a passion project, my passion project.  All items in the KOCO. Hawai’i shop have been mindfully selected to represent our core values .  We choose to support local artisans as much as possible and if not supporting local, supporting eco-conscious and sustainable brands, finding the balance.  Our shop aims to inspire others to support local and or sustainable to help reduce the carbon footprint we leave behind.

Mahalo for stopping by! 


K.O. – KOCO. Hawai’i
